Monday, April 19, 2010

System Development

Automated Port Clearance System, being the first standalone application developed to be an alternate to the current internet (online) dominant monopoly systems in Seaport operations and clearance, is in aimed at addressing automating, storing and managing the seaport clearance applications in each of the Seaport based on their mode of clearance operations due to the consideration of the diversity of seaport clearance mode within the industry countries to have a specific clearance portal as the prerequisites, policies, government influences, operational and economic factors varies making each of the Seaport to design their system in accordance with their country’s preference.


  1. Masha Allah!, best wishes akhee.. May Allah bless you with success.

  2. Thank you for your best wishes.
    Mr Nura I am using Visual Basic as Programming lang, .NET Framework 3.5 as app running enviro, MS SQL as database.. lol
    Thanks 1ce again
